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AvatarYouTube Video Embed

Embed YouTube videos and Playlists like never before!

With Avatar YouTube video you would be able to embed YouTube Videos and Playlists in a way no other plugins allow you to.

Be default, every video embedded with this module will stop when another video starts playing on the same page to avoid that annoying audio overlap.

You will be able to add custom covers to your videos that will not only show when your video has not been played, but it will also show once your videos have come to an end or fully stopped, hiding away those undesired recommended videos, keeping your page looking clean and professional all the time.



Module Features

  1. Supports Single YouTube Video or Playlists.
  2. Lazy Load videos by default improving the performance of our initial page load.
  3. Video auto-stop when another YouTube is played on the same page
  4. Custom Play Icon with styles
  5. Custom Video Cover that will show again once the video has finished playing
  6. Custom hover effects for the video cover background
  7. 14 Custom Play Button hovering effects
  8. No recommendations thumbnails at the end of your video (cover will display when the video stops)
  9. And much more…
YouTube Video Module Preview 01
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YouTube Video Module Preview 02


Enjoy fully customizable Video Covers, separate hover effects and styles for the Play Button and the Video Cover, and much more!

Click on the Thumbnails or Video Cover of a different video while another video is playing to stop the previous video automatically and avoid the annoyance of having two videos playing at the same…We’ve all been there



Default YouTube Video Cover | Customized Play Button and Hover Effect.


Custom Video Cover | Customized Play Button, Cover and Hover Effect.


Fully Customized Player and Play Button with Wobble hovering Effect.


Fully Customized Player and Play Button with Pulse hovering Effect.

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Avatar Divi Super Sale!

Introductory Price

For a limited time only, get Avatar Divi plugin and save up to 10% which includes all modules and extensions and will grant you access to all feature updates.

*Automatic upgrades only available with a valid and active license.

Embed Your YouTube Videos Like never before with our Module!