Avatar Morph Text Icon

AvatarMorph Text

Turn your text into a carousel with Avatar Morph Text.

This module will allow you to create cyclical text animations that not only look amazing but will also help you to capture your visitor’s attention.

Check the features and demos below to give an idea of this simple but powerful module.



Module Features

  1. Up to 97 different animations to choose from
  2. Change the transition and animation speed
  3. Individual enter and exit text animations
  4. Pause animation on hover option
  5. Display elements stacked or inline
  6. Set a custom background for each element
  7. Set custom font styles for each element
  8. Choose custom border styles for each element
  9. More customization controls coming soon…
Morph Text Module Preview 01
Morph Text Module Preview 02
Morph Text Module Preview 04
Morph Text Module Preview 03


Check out a few demos below to get you inspire.


Super,Amazing,Eye Catching,Text Heading

Are You Ready? Let's,Roll

Welcome Friend Hello!,Hola!,Olá,Ciao,Hallo,Hallå,Salut,你好!,こんにちは

The race is about to be begin Ready...,Set...,GO!

Take a deep breath... Relax,Breath In,Breath Out Meditation is Key

Fantasy Demo

Presenting Divi,Avatar,Morph,Text

Looking for a text change - Use Avatar Morph Text